
KODAK PROFESSIONAL XTOL B&W Film Developer, Powder Concentrate to make 5 Liters
for processing B&W negative film

  • $15.99


  • High-quality, versatile B&W film developer
  • Extremely fine grain and high sharpness
  • Full emulsion speed for great shadow detail
  • Suitable for push/pull processing
  • Powder concentrate makes 5 Liters of working solution

Product Details

For fantastic sharpness, contrast balancing, and fine grain, KODAK PROFESSIONAL XTOL Developer is the ideal B&W film developer choice. It takes advantage of the film's full ISO rating and is also great for push-processing. The powder concentrate mixes easily with water to make 5 liters of working solution with a long usable life and no need to extend the developing time with re-use. It can also be diluted 1:3 for use as a one-shot developer.

Normal and push/pull processing times available at The Massive Development Chart by Digital Truth.

Kodak XTOL (Part A) SDS Sheet (English)

Kodak XTOL (Part B) SDS Sheet (English)

Kodak XTOL SDS Sheet (International Translations)

CAT 105 8338