
KODAK PROFESSIONAL PAPER DEVELOPER 1GL, Powder Concentrate to make 1 Gallon
For processing B&W darkroom paper

  • $19.99


  • Traditional B&W darkroom paper developer
  • Powder, makes 1 Gallon of stock solution
  • Dilute 1:2 for working solution
  • Produces neutral or cold tones with cold-tone papers and warm tones with warm- tone papers
  • Offers high capacity and uniform development rate

Product Details

 Same great product with a new name! KODAK PROFESSIONAL Paper Developer is a standard B&W paper developer for RC and fiber-based darkroom printing paper. It comes in a powdered concentrate that mixes with water to make 1 gallon of stock solution. Dilute 1:2 for working-strength solution. 

An industry standard for decades, it's well suited to tray processing with a wide variety of paper types. It produces cold to neutral tones when paired with cool-tone papers, and warm tones when paired with warm-tone papers.

This chemical is classified as "Limited Quantity Hazardous" and can only be shipped via Ground within the Continental United States due to DOT regulations. Within the Continental US, it cannot be shipped to PO boxes.

KODAK Professional Paper Developer SDS Sheet (English)

KODAK Professional Paper Developer SDS Sheet (International Translations)

CAT 1058296