  • Kodak_ColorNegDeveloperstarter-1.jpg
  • Kodak_ColorNegDevStarterLORR.jpg

KODAK Color Negative Developer Starter, 1 Liter Concentrate (6 Pack)
for automated film processing machines

  • $113.50


  • Used to prepare new tank solutions of C-41 Developer
  • Liquid concentrate makes 1L of working solution
  • Sold in a case of six units (6 x 1L)

Product Details

Labs worldwide have long relied on Kodak chemicals for their extremely high quality, lower replenishment rates, and cost effectiveness. Kodak Color Negative Developer Starter is used to prepare fresh, new tank solutions of Kodak Color Negative Developer for standard C-41 processing of color negative film. Users mix the liquid concentrate with water to make 1L of Developer Starter. Sold in a case of six units (6 x 1L).

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) (English)

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) (International Translations)

CAT 5199088