  • Kodak_E100_35.jpg
  • D12CB3E4-AB4A-4A4A-BAB2-7A0A52E72D9E_1_105_c.jpg

KODAK Ektachrome E100 Color Reversal Slide Film, 35mm
135 36exp. EI 100, 5500K

  • $23.99
  • Save $1.30


  • Color reversal slide film
  • Process in E6 chemistry
  • ISO 100/21°
  • 35mm 36 exp. DX-coded cassettes
  • High efficiency T-GRAIN emulsion with extremely fine grain
  • Superb highlight and shadow detail
  • Neutral tone scale
  • Pleasing, natural skin tone reproduction
  • Outstanding reciprocity

Product Details

Featuring vibrant colors and extremely fine grain, Kodak Ektachrome E100 35mm is a daylight-balanced color reversal slide film with a neutral tone scale. Its distinctive look is well suited to a wide range of applications, such as product, landscape, nature, and fashion photography.

Exposure: No speed or color compensation required for exposures from 1/10,000 to 10 seconds.

Storage and handling: Load and unload film in subdued light. Store unexposed film in a refrigerator at 13°C (55°F) or lower in the original sealed package. To avoid moisture condensation on film that has been refrigerated, allow the film to warm up to room temperature before opening the package. Process film as soon as possible after exposure. Protect processed film from strong light, and store it in a cool, dry place.

Kodak E100 Datasheet